
School 2020

A unique year is an understatement. The pandemic may or may not be your reason for choosing homeschool this year, but regardless this season of life is unprecedented. Despite the uncertainties we can be certain of who carries us through. As a new homeschool mom of my three children myself, it is my goal for Christ to be seen in every aspect of our learning.
I pray this year is a time of growth for us all. Through the challenges and changes I hope we are encouraged to highlight the joy and make the best of our opportunities to learn.
As a photographer, it is my hope to highlight this year with the focus of joy during this current phase of life. I believe images help us all reflect on the moments that make us smile the most and also create a contagious joy that our world deeply needs.

Individual Homeschool Photo Sessions
Group Homeschool Photo Sessions

Interested in a session?

Images of your homeschooler can be as serious or as goofy as you’d like. This homeschool session is designed to capture the growth of your child and will offer a positive experience to remember the good this year of learning will bring!