12 years ago, I steppend into photography for the first time as an assistant wedding photographer. I worked with a couple who took on countless weddings each year. When I first started this job, it was my responsibility to keep track of what pictures needed to be taken, adjust the wedding dress and veil for perfect pictures, and snap some photos on the side while the primary photographers went to work. After a few months in, I had the opportunity to capture more and more photos and even had the privilege of capturing 'the kiss'. I learned that the photographer can create a helpful schedule for the fun, busy day and make sure things were happening when they were supposed to. I loved being a part of the big day for so many incredible couples! Having this experience, and now with the experience as a professional photographer myself, I feel confident in capturing the moments you will cherish forever.
Marriage is a personal blessing to me as I have been Mrs. Pinta for the last 11 years. Mark, my husband, is my absolute best friend that promised to love me "til death do we part". We believe in strengthening our relationship by constantly working to put God first and foremost. I am grateful for the gift of marriage and, to this day, love looking back at photos from my wedding day and remembering the joy that it brought me to become Mrs. Pinta.