Eating With Friends

I offered to bring by a meal for dinner after visiting with a close friend.
"Or if it's easier we can eat with you." She said.I responded with a grin and excited to have her sweet family over in my home. 
I shared with my husband late last night how I believe it has become the norm to offer to drop of meals and have little to no interaction with one another. We don't want to intrude and have a list of excuses to quickly leave. 
If you think about it we are likely dropping of meals to someone because their load is heavy right now. Life is a tad extra and of course we want to be helpful by checking off dinner for them. 
Of course there are times this is exactly what is needed, but what about being relational? What about bringing our families together during a time of much needed encouragement? 
Don't get me wrong evenings are HARD. So, so chaotic. I live by routines and I'm confident dinner time means maybe 1 of my 3 kids will actually eat, most food ends up on the floor, and all three have a potty clock as soon as I sit down to scarf down my food. We have meltdowns followed by more meltdowns...and then there is the every night bedtime battle. 
But through all of this life does become more challenging through difficult seasons. 
Encouragement is needed. 
Friendships are needed. 
God wants us to open our doors. Invite people into our loud evenings. 
God wants us to do life together. We need one another more than just a frozen casserole. 


My friend gave me this mug last night because she's grateful. Grateful I am willing to welcome her into my messy life and work my hardest to represent Jesus. ❤️


Breakdown at Target

