Breakdown at Target

October 2017 my husband and I decided it was time to work our way out of debt. This meant BIG cuts and one big beautiful cut was getting ready of our 2015 Dodge Journey. It just wasn’t affordable as we knew we had student loans to pay off. So we lucked out by trading our van with my in-laws for their 2004 PAID OFF Town and Country Minivan.

Over the course of a year the van was good to us. We knew it was old, but the repairs became more pricey and the reliability became questionable. So we prayed. Prayed for another van that was reasonable priced that our family could count on. Once again, our faithful Father provided. This time it was a 2010 fancy Honda Odyssey. Truly a dream van that only meant a small set bag from screaming debt free.

Then the new reliable van broke down.

Again. And again. Issues that could happen to any vehicle, but GOOD GRIEF.

Monday morning we were running late for preschool drop off. I quickly buckled all three of my littles in.

And the car won’t start. Battery was totally dead.

I call my husband in a panic and nearly tears. He calmly guides me through jumping the car with the older minivan thankfully still parked in our driveway. I really thought the purpose of our older minivan sitting still in our driveway was to make me grumble while backing out the driveway, but once again God used it to help. No doubt the neighbors saw me franticly jumping around worried I was about to shock myself in front of my three littles-It would be an unfortunate way to go. But I did it and even managed to drop my twins of to preschool 5 minutes late! A miracle I tell you! That same day my lovely hubby got a new battery installed our van so the issue would be resolved.

Nearly a week later I was making a run to Target for crackers and Gatorade for my little lady going on 4 days o of a nasty stomach bug. Leaving the store, my van once again wouldn’t start.

There I was broke down and alone at Target. I wanted to just let the emotions roll and scream out, Why God? Why on earth would this be an ongoing issue? We need this! But I needed to quickly figure out how to get this car working because two of my blessings were in preschool and I had their car seats. I ran inside to the service desk requesting for help. One employee saw my eyes water and ran around trying to find their handy service man to jump my car. I stood their with a nearly dead phone, unwashed hair, tears in my eyes, an empty wallet, and no sleep due to a sick kid. I was the definition of a hot mess and depending on people I didn’t know to help. As I stood their worrying the handy service man told me he’d be happy to help me with my car. Praise the Lord once again I was fine.

You may think you need this van Jenni, but you really need Me.

I felt His whisper. His message. His lesson. His peace.

Even at a breakdown at Target God provided. It’s not what I wanted, but it’s what I needed in order to once again remember who is always in control when the unexpected so quickly feel overwhelming.


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