Laundry Cycle
My handsome dude, Aaron
We can all relate. At some point we all have to wash, dry, and wear new clothes. Notice I didn’t say put up the clothes. Honestly, it doesn’t always happen in our home. Our loveseat I’m fairly certain is designed for our clean clothes. I wouldn’t be surprised if it were to be bare that it would be slightly brighter than our sofa we always sit on. Occasionally, a few pieces of clothing may make their way to the floor as the mountain gets shoved around as we frantically search for our favorite pair of pants . I joke that our clothes are like a decoration and all the colors just make the living room pop! Who needs decoration pillows and throw blankets? Grab yourself a clean shirt to cozy up with!
If you’ve been to our home and aren’t certain about the mountain of laundry on my love seat chances are I took the time to move it temporarily to my bed. This doesn’t even motivate me to put it away. I just simply move back the pile to it’s beloved location-the loveseat. I mean, it would be inconsiderate of me to not let our clean clothes be accessible to everyone. Our loveseat is much easier to get to than my bedroom. ;)
I even proudly passed on the Nichols family tradition of a sock basket. All clean socks go in and usually as you need them they go out. On Friday nights (because I’m so fun) I sometimes take the time to match all the single ladies. Unmatched socks make me cringe even more than the number of holey socks I discover from my hubby! How can he even….
I believe laundry is one of those chores many people constantly change to try and keep up with the massive amounts of clothes we somehow seem to dirty. The questions hang…
When should I do it?
How should we do it? Separate colors? Separate each persons?
Is it worth keeping so organized?
How can it become less of a mountain?
To me it wasn't just a physical pile on my love seat- it was a pile of “need to dos” that I often carried to high on my shoulders. That stink’n love seat had become a constant reminder that I have something that I need to do-to clear-to accomplish. For the longest time I gave it the power to make me grumble every time it crossed my eyes and the best certainly would not come out of me. I normally about two loads of laundry a day. I involve the whole family and somehow that mountain doesn’t get any smaller.
My sweet lady, Addilyn
It wasn’t until recently I decided to let it go. It’s clothes. Something we all need. Something that will get dirty. Something that will get cleaned. The laundry cycle didn’t have to involve me being so crabby! Sure, it’s a good feeling to be caught up and have what we needed to get done checked off, but laundry has no end. If we know something is going to continue we really need to check ourselves before we let ourselves hand over the power of frustration.
For our home, I’d rather have a less frustrated momma than a naked love seat. :)